As the popularity of the show grew, more and more boats from around the region attended. Eventually the Historical Society asked the local chapter of the Antique & Classic Boat Society (ACBS) to help with the organization, publicity, show management and judging. The chapter, North Coast Ohio ACBS, has been managing the show ever since.

The show is now co-sponsored by the North Coast Ohio Chapter of ACBS and the Portage Lakes Historical Society. Now the show attracts boats and owners from surrounding states and fills the docks of the two restaurants, has many land displays and a field of dreams lot with boats for sale.
This year was no exception. There were 44 boats of all types there from; Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Kentucky. This year’s theme was the evolution of the ski boat and attracted some unusual craft from the 1950’s through the newest ski boats offered today to water skiing enthusiasts.

This boat above was brought to the show by Mastercraft chief engineer, Donnie Brown and is aptly named Number 1 and is the company's first boat made to enter the water ski craze.

The show was interrupted twice with brief showers which did little to dampen the spirits of the participants and a record crowd of attendees. After the show and enjoyment of the participants cruising the lakes, an awards dinner was held at the Turkeyfoot Island Club. It was a great day for the 43rd show and a beautiful evening at the Island Club for dinner and awards. Plans are already in the works for next year's show, sure to be another hit at the Portage Lakes.
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