I went up to Caballo Lake Saturday. Launched late, 3pm, and the wind was really kicking, probably 25 mph gusts. Whitecaps, spray, rocking and rolling. Dogs hated it and so did I. After a long winter's nap, the motor ran like poop and made weird noises. It was so rough, I had to stay out til sundown when the wind usually dies, to pull the boat out. Came back to camp, decided I would sell the darned thing when I got home.
Sunday, weather was perfect. Several folks asked about the boat and gave it a thumbs up. Lake was calm, I got launched around 10am (crack of dawn) and started some serious trolling. Motor straightened up and ran good, trolling down to 2-3 mph with occasional blasts down the lake just for fun. Had a nice shore lunch while the dogs beachcombed. Caught 5 walleye from 16-18" plus the biggest white bass I've ever caught, 16". Those were the first walleye I ever caught. Released all of them, although I hear walleye is tasty. Decided not to sell the boat.
Returned to the ramp at 7pm. While I was waiting for a big pontoon boat to clear the dock and get trailered, I realized the skipper had left the little woman in charge of hanging on to the pontoon's dock lines while he fetched the truck. I think she had a blonde moment and the boat had inched down the dock with the wind and waves, and she turned around to see it tip past the end of the dock and head North, trailing the dock lines! Of course, Capt. Norm aboard the intrepid powercraft Swee'Pea dashed to the rescue. With a crosswind as well as the momentum of a 28' pontoon rig. it took me 3 approaches but on the last one I dropped the tow line about 20' out from the dock, warned them to not get crunched when the wind blew it into the dock sideways, and it drifted in as nice as can be. I love it when it looks like I know what I'm doing.
Anyway, here's a few pics. The last ones, hey at least he parked the boat near the beer and ice.