these are mahogony splash rails on my '59 glasspar seafair sedan.
i removed the aluminum strip that was screwed into it and still have it, altho
it's in bad shape, eaten up pretty good from what appears to be electrolosis..
anyway, it seems to have a fiberglass base as a first coat, finished with gelcoat.
i am almost ready to refinish and this wood is still raw.
should i glass it in, and should i bridge the wood up onto hull or leave a little gap for caulk?
also, i would really like to attach a strip of some kind of rubber rubrail type
protector strip over it rather than go with a metal strip like before-it just
didn't work out too well. can anyone advise me how to proceed from here?
or at least fill in some of the blanks?
so here's the solution i came up with. 2 coats laminating resin, 2 coats ever coat one step gel coat. hope to get another 50 years outta them.