Dr_Frankenmerc wrote:Thom, have you considered Sea Cast for your transom? Hear it cures rock solid. Hate to see you take the "wild" off the "thangg".
I almost used SeaCast and didn't. I agree that the Wild Monster Merc belongs on Wild Thanggg, and it sure is a great adrenaline rush when that bow starts to fly and the tach is knockin' on heaven's door.
I have taken a close look at things this week and think that the transom is actually solid and I just need to use some larger washers to stop the shuffling, but for now I'm retiring the set-up.
The strakes I added to the bottom of the hull are always out of the water when I need them to be working, so most likely before Wild Thanggg returns the strakes will be moved closer to the pad and the transom's loco-motion will be under control.
I'm hoping to get those strakes to develope water pressure between them and the pad that will stabilize the hull when it is trying to balance on about 2 square feet of surface.
Any thoughts??
Now,...If GLASSPAR NUT was to come back to the forum and start ribbin' the Dark Side like he used to do so well,...WildThanggg will only be,...EIGHT NUTS AWAY!!!
If you are sure the transom is sound, I personally would use a plate of 1/4" aluminum inside and outside to distribute the brute force of the Frankenmerc to the largest surface possible, within space limits. More is better, but any will be better than you have now. Keep the present strakes, add half sized strakes (about 1" deep) just off the pad. Or, try adding 1/4" lips to the edges of the pad, making a mini "tunnel". They would add directional stability, like two mini keels. Anyone else have ideas or comments about these suggestions?